Past Collaborators

Feb. 14 2017 – 3:58am,

Been up for about an hour, have put a mean hurting on a mug of expresso. Thinking about what to write about this week, and then I realized something. When one works long, productive hours at some point they start questioning if their efforts are being appreciated. I’m not special, what I do is actually pretty normal. There are others who share this valiant struggle to be productive as early as possible, and I’ve met them.

I’ve learned that research-driven industries have very dynamic relationship matrices, that can change even before a project is completed or even funded! It’s hard for a scientist to maintain ties while trying to cram as much research as possible. They will humor you up to a certain point and then, you have to part ways.  Teams and research funds are always changing, creating situations that you have to deal with and team members that have to be replaced. Yet none of it could be accomplished without people trusting your vision, and sharing the madness.

It’s a tough cookie trying to predict if a team will ever make it to funding their research before they have to part ways. So it is best to show appreciation to the team you have now.

Thanks for believing in me

This is their shoutout…

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